1·She reports in her recent study a marked difference in the white matter of the binge drinkers.
2·What remains unknown, says Tapert, is if the cognitive downward slide in teenage binge drinkers is reversible.
3·Binge drinkers should take especial note of the rise in the number of people aged between 35 and 54 who are now dying.
4·The study, funded by the European Commission, found only 9 percent of French youngsters were classed as binge drinkers.
5·Chronic alcoholics seems less at risk for mishaps than inexperienced binge drinkers, but please draw no strong conclusions about this finding!
6·So Tapert imaged the brains of two groups of high school students: binge drinkers and a matched group of teens with no history of binge drinking.
7·The study found that binge drinkers do not think of themselves as having a poor memory - suggesting teenagers do not appreciate the damage that is being done.
8·Comparing the young people who drank heavily with those who remained non-drinkers, Tapert's team found that the binge drinkers did worse on thinking and memory tests.
9·Just under 26% said they were light drinkers, 5.5% were moderate drinkers and 2.5% were binge or heavy drinkers.
10·Men are heavier drinkers than women and are more likely to binge, but rising rates of alcohol consumption are due to women drinking more.